World Premier of “Music In My Soul” by Mike Strickland
Here’s a video of the new song, ‘Music in My Soul’ that I wrote and debuted recently with a 90 piece choir, male and female lead and a full band. Think Grease meets Billy Joel – a fun rock n roll piece. This song was written to inspire kids to ‘find to own musical voice’ and ‘make their own music’. We will have a video coming out on the story of the song soon – can’t wait to share that with you. It was a LOT of fun. I’ll also be performing it in other communities with their local choirs when I am in their towns concertizing. Mentoring kids and young adults with music and showcasing their talent and energy is really an inspiring experience and one of my favorite things to do in my life. There is just so much talent out there. – Mike
Posted: December 16, 2012